Hunting in Belarus

Hunting in Belarus.

Hunting tourism in Belarus is very popular among both local residents and foreign tourists.

Nature is the highlight of Belarus. The blue expanses of lakes, dense forests, clean air of the Belarusian lands and a rich variety of flora and fauna are widely known far beyond the country's borders. Belarus can rightly be called a country of wild nature. Our lands are distinguished by the presence of the richest natural resources: both water and vegetation, and stable resources of animals suitable for hunting, make it possible to conduct effective hunting in picturesque places.
Almost virgin forests and a mild European climate create all the conditions for a variety of animals and birds.
Fans of hunting tourism are also happy with the fact that almost all year round in the country it is allowed to hunt more than 50 species of animals. Thanks to these advantages, many foreign hunters, as well as lovers of active tourism, spend their holidays in this forest corner of Europe every year.

1. Ambush hunting (wild boar, deer and ROE deer).
2. Elk hunting during the rut (elk and deer).
3. Hunting with corral dogs (elk, ROE deer, deer and wild boar).
4. Hunting from the approach (beaver, boar, ROE deer, elk and deer).
5. Hunting from towers (you can only hunt boars and deer).
6. Hunting with theft (deer, boar, ROE deer and elk). 

-black grouse,
-the cormorant.

We also offer you trophy hunting, weekend hunting and family hunting trips with accommodation in comfortable hunting bases with developed infrastructure and catering, which are accompanied by high-quality service with a high level of service. "AeroBelService" choose for clients the best forestry institutions in Belarus with experienced staff who have undergone special training. During the hunting tour, you will be accompanied and provided with all the necessary assistance and support by an experienced interpreter.

Please note that not only residents of the country, but also foreign citizens can hunt on the territory of Belarus. For visiting guests, it is important to have:

-a document confirming the right to hunt issued in the country of permanent residence;
-an appropriate permit for the storage and use of hunting weapons, issued also in the country of permanent residence;
-one-time permission of the internal Affairs bodies to import and export hunting weapons and ammunition from Belarus;
-a hunting permit or a one-time permit for the production of a hunting animal.

Online application for a tour
Leave a request according to your individual preferences, and we will contact you to arrange a unique hunting tour with a dive into the features of our national hunt.