Officially the name of the country is the Republic of Belarus.
The President of the Republic of Belarus is Alexander Lukashenko.
The official currency in the country is Belarusian ruble.
The capital of Belarus is the city of Minsk, which is the biggest political, economic, scientific and cultural centre of the country. There are 2.020,6 million inhabitants in Minsk (on 1 January 2020), and the population is constantly growing.
Belarus is welcoming to all visitors and interested in sharing its culture, traditions and sense of community with them. With a complex history and rich architecture Belarus is a wonderful place to explore no matter what time of year. With a diverse geography and a passion for natural history and wildlife Belarus would be an outdoor enthusiasts’ dream. Belarus is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe and it is bordered by Poland to the west, Russia to the northeast, Ukraine to the south, and Lithuania and Latvia to the north.
The country of Belarus is divided into six administrative districts, each centred around a major city:
The people of Belarus are a kind, friendly and good humoured nation. The patience and peacefulness of the Belarusian people has been determined by the nation’s history that has been darkened by endless wars which the Belarusians did not start, but fell victim to. Belarus is welcoming to all visitors and interested in sharing its culture, traditions and sense of community with them.
Belarusian and Russian are the official languages of Belarus.
There are five National Parks in Belarus, protected by the State. Their work has been recognized and supported by UNESCO.
Regarding its forestry, Belarus is among the ten leading forest countries in Europe, with 0.85 hectares of forest per capita, and over 173 cubic metres of wood.
Over 8.1 million hectares of the country’s territory are covered with forest, Belarusian forests cover 25 percent more ground than all of Latvia.